The Hunt
Posted on February 16, 2009
So, we have been looking everywhere to try and find Matt’s wedding ring. What he wants is very simple, but also very specific, and no one has it! He really just wants a plain, rounded, tungsten band with a brushed finish. It is really easy to find a plain, rounded, tungsten band with a polished finish. And it it also really easy to find decorative tungsten bands with brushed finishes. Neither of those would cut it though.
Luckily, last week I was walking around the mall after getting Matt’s Valentine’s day gift and wandered in to a newer jewelry store there called Diamonds Are Forever. As soon as I walked in, the guy started talking to me, so I explained what Matt wanted to him. He said, “I know exactly what you are looking for!” and pulled out a catalogue full of rings. He flipped right to a page full of tungesten rings and pointed at exactly what we wanted. I was totally surprised and told him that we would definitely be back.
Yesterday after church, we went back so I could show Matt that they had what he wanted. After some careful deliberation about prices, sizes, and the like, we ordered it! It felt very good to get that finished, and we get to go pick it up on Friday!
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Friday the 13th
Posted on February 16, 2009
Matt and I both had last Friday off, so we spent the whole day together. We planned to get my new bank account set up, register at both Bed Bath and Beyond and Target, order Matt’s ring, get a new case for my cell phone, and go to a birthday party for one of my co-workers. Well, we got two of those things accomplished!
First we got my new bank account set up at Telhio – where Matt’s mom works and where Matt has his account. We got all of that taken care of, but it took us a little longer than expected. It was all worth it though, because handling money between us will be much easier before the wedding.
Then we had a little detour in our plan because Matt’s mom needed us to go pick up her new tire from the shop for her. It didn’t really take that long, and I ran into a friend from high school that I haven’t seen in forever, so it was actually a fun detour!
After we got all of that taken care of, we went to register at Bed Bath and Beyond. We first went to check out the way they do their registries a few weeks ago, and the guy there told us we didn’t need an appointment and we should probably block out 30-40 minutes to register. On Friday, the woman who set everything up for us there was really cool and we actually had fun talking about everything with her. The list they give you for everything you should register for is huge! It was a little overwhelming at first, but we took it one section of the store at a time and eventually got it all figured out. The man I talked to a few weeks ago lied to us though. It took us 2 1/2 hours just to register at one store! We did have a lot of fun with it though. You should have seen us – Matt walking around with the scanner gun… me with the clipboard and the pen. It was very typical.
By the time we got done registering we only had an hour before the party started! The dinner was at Old Bag of Nails in Old Hilliard, which I highly recommend. We had a really good time with everyone and the food was awesome. In the end, we only got a few things accomplished, but it was probably the best Friday the 13th I’ve ever had!
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